Dernières publications des membres du réseau:
VAGELLI, Matteo (2024) Reconsidering Historical Epistemology. French and Anglophone Styles in History and Philosophy of Science, Cham: Springer. |
BECERRA-BATAN, M. (2022) Gaston Bachelard et la psychanalyse. Rencontres, transformations et usages, Bachelard Studies 2/2021. |
LOISON, L. – PRADEU, T. dir (2021) La biologie au défi de l’histoire. Mélanges offerts à Michel Morange, Paris: Éditions Matériologiques, |
VAGELLI, M. – LOISON, L. – MOYA-DIEZ, I. dir. (2021) Special Section: Thinking Crossroads: From Scientific Pluralism to Pluralist History of Science, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, volume 52, Issue 1. |
VAGELLI, M. – SETARO, M. Eds (2021) Ian Hacking and the Historical Reason of the Sciences, Focus section of Philosophical Inquiries IX, 2021-1. |
BRAUNSTEIN, J.F. – MOYA DIEZ, I. – VAGELLI, M. dir. (2019) L’épistémologie historique: histoire et méthodes, Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne.
Review by Marcela Renée Becerra Batán, Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, 5(1): 118-126 (2020)
TALCOTT, Samuel (2019) Canguilhem and the Problem of Error, London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
VAGELLI, Matteo (2019) Historical epistemology and the “marriage” between history and philosophy of science, The Past, the Present, and the Future of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science” ed. by Emily Herring et al., London: Routledge, pp. 96-112. |
LUPI, F. – PILOTTO, S. dir. (2019) Infrangere le norme. Vita, scienza e tecnica nel pensiero di Georges Canguilhem, Milano-Udine: Mimesis.
Review by Alberto Simonetti, AM 1/49 (2020) |
AA.VV. (2018) Canguilhem et la biologie, numéro spécial de la Revue d’histoire des sciences, 2/2018. |
ALMEIDA, Tiago Santos (2018) Canguilhem e a gênese do possível: estudo sobre a historicização das ciências, São Paulo: Ed. Liber Ars, 2018, Coll. Épistémologie Historique. |
BALZARETTI, Ugo (2018) Leben und Macht. Eine radikale Kritik am Naturalismus nach Michel Foucault und Georges Canguilhem, Weilerswist-Metternich: Velbruck Wissenschaft. | |
DONATIELLO, P. – GALOFARO, F. – IENNA, G. dir. (2017) Il senso della tecnica. Saggi su Bachelard, Bologna: Società Editrice Esculapio. | |
HACKING, Ian (2017) La ragione scientifica, a cura di Gerardo Ienna e Matteo Vagelli; Traduzione e saggio introduttivo di Matteo Vagelli, saggio conclusivo di Gerardo Ienna, Roma: Castelvecchi. Review by Stefano Pilotto, Iride, 1, 2018, Aprile, p. 196-212 and by Gabriele Vissio, L’Inconscio, N°5, 2018, p. 256-261 |
DASTON, Lorraine (2017) Historicidade e Objectividade, Organização: Tiago Santos Almeida; Tradução: Derley Menezes Alves e Francine Iegelski, São Paulo: LiberArs. |
BONTEMS, Vincent (2017) Bachelard, São Paulo : Estaçào Libertade. | |
SIMONS, Massimiliano (2017) The many encounters of Thomas Kuhn and French epistemology, Vol. 61, February 2017, pp. 41-50. | |
SCIORTINO, Luca (2017) Styles of Reasoning, Human Forms of Life, and Relativism. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 30, n. 2, pp. 165-184. | |
HESSEN, Boris (2017) Le radici sociali ed economiche della meccanica di Newton. Saggio introduttivo di Gerardo Ienna e Giulia Rispoli, Postfazione di Pietro Daniel Omodeo, Roma: Castelvecchi. | |
ALMEIDA, Tiago – CAMOLEZI, Marcos – MOYA DIEZ, Ivan – VAGELLI, Matteo éds. (2016) Dossiê Georges Canguilhem, a história e os historiadores. Intelligere, Revista de Historia Intellectual, vol. 2, n.1, Mai/Ago. | |
LOISON, Laurent (2016) Forms of presentism in the history of science. Rethinking the project of historical epistemology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, volume 60, December 2016, pp. 29–37. | |
SCIORTINO, Luca (2016) On Ian Hacking’s Notion of Style of Reasoning. Erkenntnis, Published Online: 04 June 2016, pp. 1-22. | |
SHOLL, Jonathan (2016) Escaping the Conceptual Analysis Straitjacket: Pathological Mechanisms and Canguilhem’s Biological Philosophy, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, vol. 58, n. 8, pp. 385-418. | |
SFARA, Emiliano (2016). Una filosofia della prassi. Organismi, arte e visione in Georges Canguilhem, Torino: Nuova Trauben. | |
IENNA, Gerardo – ALUNNI, Charles (2016). Metafisica della Matematica (traduction et présentation de G. Bachelard “Physique et Métaphysique”), Roma: Castelvecchi. | |
MOYA DIEZ, Ivan & VAGELLI, Matteo (2015). L’unità della filosofia di Georges Canguilhem. Dalla norma medica alla normatività storica, Lessico di etica pubblica, 6, 1, pp. 85-95. | |
TIISALA, Tuomo (2015). Keeping It Implicit: A Defense of Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 1, 4, pp. 653-673. | |
CAMOLEZI, Marcos (2015). Sobre o conceito de invenção em Gilbert Simondon. Scientiae Studia, 13, 2, pp. 439-448. | |
MOYA DIEZ, Ivan (2015). La philosophie des valeurs chez Georges Canguilhem. Revue Approches, 162.. | |
VAGELLI, Matteo (2014). An Interview with Ian Hacking. The Philosopher of the Present. Iride: Filosofia e discussione publica, Vol. 2, August, p. 239-272. |