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The Philosophy of Ian Hacking

The MTA BTK Lendület Morals and Science Research Group cordially invites you to its upcoming conference on

The Philosophy of Ian Hacking

Date of the event: 29th-30th March, 2019.
Venue of the event: 1097 Budapest, 4. Toth Kalman st., 7th floor


Friday, 29th of March

09.00-10.00: Janette Dinishak: “Autistic Autobiography” Ten Years Later

10.00-10.30: Krzysztof Tarkowski: Who Are You, Professor Hacking?

10.30-11.00: Loren King: Between Two Worlds: Reading Hobbes through Hacking

11.00-11.30: coffee break

11.30-12:30: Mark Risjord: Surrogative Inference and Entity Realism

12.30-13.00: Joao Ribeiro Mendes: The Influence of Gaston Bachelard’s Philosophy of Science on Ian Hacking’s Experimental Realism: An Assessment

13.00-14.30: lunch

14.30-15.00: Tina Wachter: Can Conventionalism Save the Identity of Indiscernibles?

15.00-15.30: Ozan Altinok: Ian Hacking: Limiting Language to Make Place for Reality

15.30-16.00: Charles Djordjevic: Doing ‘Meaning and Use’ Right: Hacking, History and the Legacy of the Later Wittgenstein

16:00-16:30: coffee break

16.30-17.00: Marius Markuckas: Ian Hacking’s Philosophy and the Self-Contradiction of Transhumanism

17.00-18.00: Thomas Uebel: Language, Truth, and Hacking

Saturday, 30th of March

09.00-10.00: Jonathan Tsou: Hacking on Looping Effects and Kinds of People: Instability and Stability in the Classification of Human Types

10.00-10.30: Georgina H. Mills: The Only Epistemic Looping Effect

10.30-11.00: Matteo Colombo & Regina Fabry: Predictive Processing and Delusion. On the Looping Dynamics of Personal and Sub-personal Explanation

11.00-11.30: coffee break

11.30-12.00: Vincenzo Politi: What If You Can’t Spray Them? On Entities, Realisms and Inferences

12.00-12.30: Catherine Green: Nomadic Concepts: Hacking’s Human Kinds and Social Science Concepts

12.30-13.30: lunch

13.30-14.30: Luca Sciortino: Why Styles of Reasoning Matter

14.30-15.00: Matteo Vagelli: Discursive Formations and Styles of Reasoning

15.00-15.30: Hanna Szabelska: Hacking’s Archaeology of Probability: Critical Remarks

15.30-16.00: coffee break

16.00-17.00: Axel Gelfert: The Primacy of Practice: Ian Hacking’s Philosophy of Mathematics

17.00-18.00: Paul Roth: Hacking’s Historiography

Cristina Chimisso (Open University) at SHE – Unimi

Prof. Cristina Chimisso (Open University London), currently Senior Visiting Fellow at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Milan, will deliver two lectures at the Seminar of Historical Epistemology.

The first one is scheduled for March 20 (2.30 p.m.) in Sala Paci, please find below the title and abstract. Everybody is welcome!

Historical Epistemology”

Abstract: Although the term ‘historical epistemology’ has been used to indicate more than one cluster of research projects, it was originally coined by Dominique Lecourt as a label for the French philosophical tradition associated with Gaston Bachelard and Georges Canguilhem. I shall discuss historical epistemology in this original sense. I shall argue that the philosophical significance of historical epistemology would be even greater if historians of philosophy, first, properly distinguished Bachelard’s and Canguilhem’s respective philosophies, and, second, considered often neglected historical epistemologists, including Léon Brunschvicg, EÉmile Meyerson, Hélène Metzger, Abel Rey and Lucien Lévy-Bruhl. I shall also argue that historical epistemology offers interesting historiographical models to the historically-minded historian of philosophy.

The second talk is scheduled for April 2 (10.30 a.m.) in Sala Paci, please find below the title and abstract. Everybody is welcome!

Normal: Georges Canguilhem on medicine and the individual

The boundary between what is considered normal and what is considered
pathological is not stable, and in some cases is highly controversial. Is there a right way of drawing this distinction? And who should decide whether a state is normal or pathological? The philosopher Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) provided original answers to these questions. I shall discuss them, and argue that they can still play an important role in our current debates. At the same time, I shall indicate some of their limitations.

University of Milan, Dept. Of Philosophy, via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 MilanoFurther information @ |

Further information @ |

Table ronde « Georges Canguilhem, transmission d’une pensée : des archives aux Œuvres complètes », jeudi 14/03, 17h à 19h30 à l’ENS

Dans le cadre des Jeudis de l’histoire et de la philosophie des sciences (JHPS) de l’ENS, le CAPHÉS* a le plaisir de vous convier à une table ronde autour de l’édition des Œuvres complètes de Georges Canguilhem :

« Georges Canguilhem, transmission d’une pensée : des archives aux Œuvres complètes »

Jeudi 14 mars 2019 — École normale supérieure, 29, rue d’Ulm, salle 236 (2e étage), 75005 Paris  17h à 19h 30

Suivi d’un apéritif convivial dans l’espace Curie (rez-de-chaussée)

Intervenants : Jean-François Braunstein, Camille Limoges, Claude Debru,
François Delaporte, Yves Schwartz et Xavier Roth.

Modérateur : Mathias Girel, directeur du CAPHÉS
Le Centre documentaire du CAPHÉS a le plaisir d’accueillir à l’ENS depuis plusieurs années l’équipe éditoriale qui s’est constituée autour de l’entreprise des Œuvres complètes de Georges Canguilhem. Après la publication de trois des six tomes, l’équipe du CAPHÉS souhaite réunir quelques anciens élèves de Georges Canguilhem et participants à l’entreprise éditoriale pour évoquer la question de la transmission : témoignages d’anciens élèves, travail des éditeurs de textes à partir des archives, ou comment les Œuvres complètes donnent à voir les « traces du métier » du professeur de philosophie qu’a tenu à être Georges Canguilhem.

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