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BSHS Postgraduate Conference 2017


BSHS Postgraduate Conference2017, en collaboration avec l’European University Institute et le Centre Alexandre Koyré.

Lieu et date : Florence, 5-7 avril 2017.

Date limite de réception des propositions : 15 novembre 2016.

Langue: anglais

La British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) finance annuellement une conférence en histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine. Jusqu’à présent, cet événement a eu lieu dans une université du Royaume-Uni. Pour la première fois dans l’histoire de la BSHS, l’édition 2017 aura lieu en dehors des frontières britanniques, à l’Institut Universitaire Européen, Florence, en collaboration également avec le Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris.

L’appel à contributions est ouvertà tous les jeunes chercheurs (master 2 et doctorants) travaillant en histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine.

La sélection des participants se fera sur la base d’un résumé (max. 250 mots) en anglais. Les communications, d’une durée de 15 à 20 minutes et organisées en sessions parallèles, seront également en langue anglaise.

Le résumé doit être accompagné des noms et des coordonnées du candidat, précisant l’affiliation académique. Le tout est à envoyer en un seul document « pdf » à pour le 15 novembre.

Les membres de la BSHS peuvent postuler auprès du Butler-Eyles Fund afin d’obtenir un soutien financier pour les frais de déplacement :

Bien cordialement,

Le comité d’organisation,

Dorit Brixius (EUI), Leonardo Ariel Carró Cataldi (CAK) et Déborah Dubald (EUI)

CSHPS Annual Meeting / SCHPS congrès annuel

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society will take place in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (


CSHPS-SCHPS Annual Conference
Toronto, May 27-29, 2017 
Proposals due January 20th, 2017

The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Toronto, Ontario, May 27-30, 2017 (

The Program Committee invites scholars working on the history and philosophy of science to submit abstracts for individual papers or proposals for sessions (3 and 4 papers). In the year of Canada’s sesquicentennial, we particularly encourage scholars to engage with the theme for Congress 2017 – “From Far & Wide: The Next 150.” Unrelated topics and themes are also welcome.

  • Meeting languages: The CSHPS is a bilingual society. Individual papers may be given in English or French, but efforts to broaden participation are appreciated (e.g. a presentation in English could be accompanied by a PowerPoint in French, and vice versa). Similarly, sessions can be presented in either English or French, but bilingual sessions are especially welcomed.
  • Joint sessions: The CSHPS meeting overlaps with the meeting dates of a number of other member societies of the CFHSS, including the Canadian Historical Association, Canadian Philosophical Association, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Canadian Sociological Association, Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes, and Canadian Society for the History of Medicine. We welcome proposals for joint sessions with these and other societies (please mention this specifically in your session proposal). However, no talk will be accepted for presentation at more than one society.
  • Number of submissions: Individuals can only submit one abstract for the CSHPS meeting (i.e. either an abstract for an individual paper or and abstract part of a session proposal).
  • Submissions
    • In order to preserve the anonymity of authors, it is important that contact information and other identifying information be excluded from the file containing the abstract.
    • Individual paper submissions should consist of a title, a brief abstract (150-250 words), a list of keywords, and—in the accompanying email—the author’s name and contact information.
    • Session proposals should consist of a session title, titles and brief abstracts (150-250 words) for each paper, a list of keywords, and—in the accompanying email—the names and contact information of the presenters and session organizer.
    • Proposals should be in MS Word, pdf, odt or rtf format.
    • Deadline: January 20th, 2017
    • Submission email address:
  • Student Prize: The CSHPS offers the Richard Hadden Award, a book prize for the best student paper presented at the meeting. To be considered for the award, students should submit a copy of their paper by e-mail by May 5, 2017. Details of this prize can be found at:
  • CFHSS: Information about Congress registration and accommodation will be available at the CFHSS congress website:

Program Committee (2016-2017): Delia Gavrus (Winnipeg) Chair, Robert Brain (UBC), François Claveau (Sherbrooke)
Local Arrangements: Jennifer Hubbard (Ryerson)

Stillman Drake Lecture

The Stillman Drake Lecture is delivered at the CSHPS Annual Meeting.

Richard Hadden Award

The Richard Hadden Award for best student paper at the CSHPS Annual Meeting.

Travel Grant

Given for travel to the CSHPS Annual Meeting – Application.

About Life. Theories, Concepts and Images of the Living

1st FI.NO. Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy

University of Turin – Aula Principi d’Acaja (Palazzo Rettorato), Via Verdi 8 Torino

10th – 11th November 2016

The first FI.NO. Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy aims at bringing together graduate students and young researchers whose work draws on the notion of life.

Is it possible to address the peculiarity of life and the living without violating the legal limits of natural science?

Keynote Speakers: 

La perte de la vie. Vers une biologie privative

Lectio Magistralis by prof. Renaud Barbaras (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Cos’è la vita? Biofilosofia, biopolitica, biologia

Lectio Magistralis by prof. Davide Tarizzo (Università degli Studi di Salerno)

The Return of Vitalism. Canguilhem and the Project of Biophilosophy

Lectio Magistralis by Charles Wolfe (Ghent University)

Contact Information:



The Past, Present and Future of Integrated HPS

An International Postgraduate Forum

Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science

University of Leeds

13 – 14 January 2017

Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (IHPS) is commonly understood as the study of science from a combined historical and philosophical perspective. Yet since its gradual formation as a research field there has been constant discussion about how to suitably integrate the two disciplines. IHPS remains an ever-shifting, highly demanding and disparate area of research which incorporates a multitude of different subjects and methodologies. The Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Leeds celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2016-17; we see this as an opportunity to create a dialogue amongst young scholars about the future of the field by drawing upon lessons from past achievements, and reflecting upon current problems within IHPS.

The First International IHPS Postgraduate Forum is aimed at young international researchers (MA and PhD students, and young professionals within no more than 2 years of having completed their PhD) who study different aspects of science, medicine and technology from a combined historical and philosophical perspective. The purpose of the Forum is to improve communication among young scholars, create a space for dialogue and an open exchange of ideas, and foster relationships between researchers from different national and institutional backgrounds. We intend to explore recent and ongoing projects as way of representing the international landscape of IHPS research, and ultimately provide a snapshot of the current developments in the field. We also wish to facilitate discussion about current methodological issues and problem-solving techniques, and to explore the connection of IHPS with other academic disciplines and fields. These may be, but are not restricted to:

  •  The History of IHPS
  •  Methodology: Integrating the H and the P
  •  IHPS: An International Perspective
  •  The Analytic and Continental Traditions within IHPS
  •  Writing IHPS

Abstracts can address one or several of the following problems: how do you combine historical and philosophical perspectives in your own research? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the integrated approach? Do you think that there is a place for a general IHPS methodology which would be applicable to all sciences, or do we have no other choice than to continue with IHPS of particular disciplines? What is the relationship between IHPS and Épistémologie Historique? Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and that we are open to any other IHPS problems or topics you may have in mind. 

The Forum will be a great opportunity to showcase and get feedback on your research in a welcoming and international environment. We aim to stimulate discussion by means of conventional conference presentations as well as round tables and spotlight papers. We encourage young scholars to submit brief abstracts of no more than 250 words before November, 7 2016 to 

Please note that the working language of the Forum is English. Abstracts must be in PDF or Word format, and should be anonymised and prepared for blind review. Some travel and accommodation bursaries may be available (subject to confirmation). Further details of the event can be found on our website, which will be updated regularly. You can follow us on Twitter @IHPSLeeds for the most recent updates on the event. Please not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Leeds next January!

Kind regards,

Emily Herring, Matthew Holmes, Kevin Jones, Konstantin Kiprijanov and Laura Sellers


L’épistémé computationnelle – une archéologie du big data en médecine

SEMINAIRE organisé par Mathieu CORTEEL

Le développement du big data en médecine est communément considéré comme une révolution épistémologique. Jamais les performances préventives de la médecine ne furent aussi avancées. La capacité prédictive de la computation permet aujourd’hui, au niveau individuel comme collectif, d’anticiper avec une grande précision la formation de maladies diverses. Combattre le mal avant qu’il ne marque les corps ; voilà le nouveau protocole biopolitique. Au-delà de cette apparente rupture épistémique, le séminaire de cette année se proposera d’appréhender l’émergence de ce savoir médical à partir d’une continuité discursive et de ses inflexions. Le discours probabilitaire, qui apparaît avec la médecine clinique du XIXe siècle, esquisse l’épistémé computationnelle de la médecine préventive d’aujourd’hui. Par le calcul de l’incertitude se forme une approche nosologique qui, dans le rythme des manifestations morbides, fait transparaître la maladie en tant que processus. La maladie, non plus considérée dans l’ordre du jardin des espèces, est dès lors ordonnée au procès de sa virulence dans le jeu du visible et de l’invisible. La spatialité des symptômes et la temporalité des signes offrent au regard médical une capacité combinatoire dans la formulation de diagnostics et pronostics divers. La combinaison probabiliste de ces éléments permet une meilleure pratique théorique qui va tendre à prévenir la formation des maladies dans les corps. Au XXe siècle, avec l’émergence des sciences cognitives et de la génétique, la discursivité médicale s’autonomise par rapport à la cognition humaine en même temps qu’elle virtualise le corps. La métaphore computationnelle – enveloppant le corps et la cognition sous le schème du nombre – déplace le savoir nosologique dans la machine. Il s’agira, par une approche foucaldienne, de comprendre par l’étude de ce déplacement de support épistémique les modalités de ce savoir et le biopouvoir qu’il suppose. Comment le calcul de probabilités en médecine ordonne-t-il la virtualité du corps dans son savoir et sa pratique par l’épistémé computationnelle ?

Intervenants :

– Vendredi 4 novembre : François Delaporte (professeur émérite Université d’Amiens) : Naissance de la clinique
– Vendredi 2 décembre : Jean-Michel Besnier (professeur émérite Université Paris-Sorbonne) : Le posthumanisme médical – une médecine sans médecin ni malade ?
– Vendredi 16 décembre : Clément Moutard (doctorant à Neuospin – membre du Human Brain Project) : Enjeux et apports du big data en neuroscience : de la clinique à la technologie

Salle PrM-1.02, Lycée Henri IV, 23 rue Clovis, 75005 Paris

Inscription obligatoire